April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

The Abortion Recovery InterNational Network (ARIN) cordially invites you to celebrate and participate in Abortion Recovery Awareness Month in April 2011.

The goals of Abortion Recovery Awareness Month are to encourage and extend healing opportunities to those hurting after abortion, and to enlighten society about the effects of abortion on individuals and families.

During the month of April, ARIN affiliates and other advocates enlighten society by reaching out to others in their community through many different venues. An Abortion Recovery Awareness Calendar for the month of April is established each year providing ideas and resources.

Participants who are not ARIN affialiates are encouraged to sign the group’s Principles of Participation. State governors and legislators can also sign a Statement of Proclamation promoting Abortion Recovery Awareness Month.

For more details, including resources and ideas for how to participate, visit www.abortionrecoveryawarenessmonth.org.


See also: Coerced Abortion Awareness Week/Project Candlelight is being celebrated by the Church Awareness Project April 3-10, in conjunction with Abortion Recovery Awareness Month.

4 thoughts on “April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

  1. Hi, I am director of Abortion Hurts God Heals post abortion ministry. Is there any current postings for April Abortion Recovery Awareness Month for 2021?
    I would love to share and have an opportunity to remotely interview a member of your organization!
    God Bless,
    Elsa Escobedo-Lopez

  2. Abortion left a hole in my soul that deeply saddens me. It left me with unanswered questions and has left me full of bitterness and resentment ever since. I am not the same person that I was or who I was destined to be. I was ignorant to a lot of things. I didn’t think there would be any long lasting emotional effects on me, and to this day I have no idea what happened to me or my baby after I fell deep into unconsciousness. No one explained anything to me. My goal is to peacefully bring abortion awareness to as many people as I can reach.

    1. Hello Crystal, thank you for posting here. I am so sorry about the pain you are feeling. Please know that you are not alone in what you are experiencing. It sounds like you are trying to reach out and share your story with others in order to spare them this pain, which is a great thing to do. I hope you also have some support following the abortion — there are lots of groups out there that offer counseling and support to women who are struggling. If you haven’t already contacted a healing group I would suggest visiting our healing page and perhaps getting in touch with one of the groups there. Also, have you heard of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign? They have a web site where women can share their stories and also work to raise awareness at public events around the country (you don’t have to use your name or speak publicly to join the group).

      1. Hi,
        I understand this post is four years old. If you are feeling the same way as described in your post, please know SERENDERING THE SECRET bible study can help with a of your feelings and unansward questions. I had two abortions. After attending this bible study a lot of my questions were answered. My babies are up in heaven with Jesus. My hurt, anger, humiliation, and regret were eased. I am recommending you do this bible study. I honestly had a hard time. It was the best bible study a woman of abortion can do for herself.

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